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In fact, I think, while Kansas has never been a huge top ten hits kind of band, they have always been a band with talented musicians. Phil and the guys still play with the same drive and heart that he did when he was 25. The only difference is that now when we connect, we never talk about drums and bands anymore. Our breakfast or dinner conversations nowadays center around blood pressure, cholesterol, and his kids. We pass on the bacon and eggs, for oatmeal and fruit. Gee, I wonder if prunes are next? Phil, Kerry Livgren and Dave Hope led me to Christ, and made sure that my name was always placed on the albums and recognition was given to me. He is another classy person that God brought to be a friend for life. He’s a great drummer, husband, father, and Christian man.

I have a million stories. Maybe I’ll write again sometime, but mostly I wanted to write what was on my mind and heart. Who can explain how and why things happen. I can’t say I did anything but live my life. I would have been happy just to see Buddy play once. I never dreamed that I meet him, talk with him much less build drums for him, and I never thought Id see my name on albums that would go gold and platinum.

If the world of percussion was a university, at Slingerland, we always thought of ourselves as “Delta House”, the guys that the percussion world would love to put on "double secret probation". We weren’t about percussion ensembles, patches on the elbows of our corduroy jackets, or trying to make building a snare drum as complicated as “rocket science”. We had a small roster of great drummers that would talk and be nice to fans. We were a bunch of people that loved drums. We were having fun and always experimenting within limited budgets and conditions.

When it was over in Niles, I felt bad for the people, and felt that it was like tearing down Yankee Stadium. It didn’t have to end. It was a special place for those that love drums and those that worked there. I drive past there occasionally and remember the famous players that walked through those doors. The list is huge.

So now maybe you can understand why it was special for me and why it was better for me to leave it alone and move to the next adventure in my life.

I believe that everyone can and will experience special people, places, and events. When you do, and you are in that special corridor of time, savor the moment and the people. Enjoy and appreciate every little thing that comes from it. Be open, focus, and continue to dream. Just remember that a little prayer every once in a while may not hurt either.

Rick P.

If you wish to contact Rick then you will need to email the webmaster

Special thanks to the "Hub" at Christ Community Church for the great backgrounds!

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